ESG Report 2022

Our ESG Journey 2022

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ESG Statement:

We are committed to
achieve operation carbon
neutrality by 2030.

At GDS, we have remained resolute in our sustainability commitment, actively engaging with our stakeholders to overcome challenges and create a positive societal impact. Our firm dedication to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030, and the notable milestones we have achieved this year have brought us closer to realizing this ambitious goal.

  • Excellent progress towards achieving our net-zero targets
  • Value creation for all our stakeholders
  • Enhanced stakeholder confidence through improved corporate governance standards

At GDS, we aim to build sustainability into everything we do.

ESG strategy and priorities

  • Environmental commitment
  • Social commitment
  • Governance commitment
Minimize environmental impact
Environmental commitment
  • Reduce carbon footprint by increasing proportion of renewable energy usage
  • Make our data centers greener
  • Reduce resource consumption by optimizing operational efficiency
Create value for all stakeholders
Social commitment
  • Empower with a smart infrastructure platform
  • Foster diversity, inclusion and personal development
  • Engage our value chain and communities to drive positive impact
Engender trust via rigorous governance
Governance commitment
  • Maintain high standards of corporate governance
  • Ensure strict protection of data security and privacy
  • Enhance sustainability through accountability
Highlights in numbers
2021 to 1H 2022
  • 35.9%
    renewable percentage
  • 1.15
    best performing PUE
  • 34
    DCs with green certification
  • 9.619
    out of 10 customer
    satisfaction score
  • 36.4
    training hours per
    employee per year
  • 37%
    of female employees in
    senior-level management
  • 100%
    of employees received anti-
    corruption and compliance training
  • 100%
    of employees received cyber
    security training
  • Contniue to Implement ESG
    Management Framework
Approach in actions
Pujiang DC campus onsite renewable energy

We effectively utilize the space on the roof and exterior walls in our Pujiang DC Campus by installing solar photovoltaic systems at the entrance and exterior walls of our DC Campus. Our solar photovoltaic systems have a capacity of 221 kWp and we expect that the power will be able to fully supply the power requirements for our administrative offices and lighting in these DC Campus.

Smart DC solution application in our Nusajaya Tech Park (NTP) project in Malaysia

In our NTP project, we applied our latest generation of Smart DC solution with in-depth tailor-made design, modular manufacturing, centralized assembly, and smart operation. This involved manufacturing modular systems and conducting extensive testing and commissioning in China. Thereafter, these systems are exported to the designated sites of our international projects for final installation. With this approach, it reduced our project delivery time from 18 months to 10 months without any compromise in our DC construction quality and processes.

Offensive and defensive drills enhance future threat warning and response capabilities

In 2022, we published the Data and Information Security Technology Brochure to consolidate GDS information security best practices and work with our customers to build cybersecurity defenses. This Brochure aims to provide a comprehensive guide to help GDS establish a sound information security system. It is dedicated to enhancing information security awareness, protecting sensitive data, and dealing with various security threats, ensuring that GDS can operate safely in the digital age.

Recent developments
GDS and SK ecoplant Reached a Collaboration Agreement to Jointly Develop Fuel Cell Power Supply Solutions for the Data Centers in Southeast Asia
GDS SH4 Data Center is awarded the "Zero Carbon Leadership Data Center" in Shanghai
GDS Smart and Innovative Cloud Computing Data Center Selected Among "2022 National Green Data Centers"